Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sneak Peak

From February 9 to April 6, photographs taken on my recent trip to France will be on display at Cafe Selmarie, in Chicago's Lincoln Square neighborhood.

Last summer, I spent 2 weeks in the streets of Paris and the villages of Provence, and I came back with a head full of great memories and a camera full of tremendous photos. As anyone that knows my artwork can already guess, I didn't come home with many of those "classic" Paris scenes in my camera. What I returned home with were images of the invisible-in-broad-daylight places. 

I photograph the residue of an active city, the evidence of urban use. The beauty and bustle of Paris was a great inspiration to me. But I also found a week in the countryside of Provence to be equally inspirational and rejuvenating.

I am very happy and excited about this chance to share my new photographs with you all. Cafe Selmarie is a great restaurant and bakery, and I cannot think of a better place to display this show. On the night of Tuesday, February 17th, I would like to invite you all - friends, family, and strangers, to come experience the show with me. Come for dinner, drinks, dessert, whatever. I'll be there all night to enjoy the restaurant and your company. If you think you are going to make it on the 17th, drop me a line at so I can have them reserve enough tables.

For those of you that are out of town and won't be able to make it to the show, I'll soon be launching an online gallery of the complete show.

More on that later. I've got to get back to printing and framing.

Monday, January 12, 2009

(Glimpse) Paris

In the coming days, I'll be adding more photos and information about my upcoming show at Cafe Selmarie. Stay tuned...